Bee Friendly Pest Control

Urban Farm Lifestyle

  Healthy Regenerative Lifestyle

Bee Friendly 

Pesticides are one of the biggest threats to honey bees. An ounce of prevention is worth a pound of cure. Before using chemicals, try using natural methods of control.


David Proctor


From Seed To Fork, Egg To Plate.

    We may not live on a farm, but we can grow where we live.





Bee Friendly Pest Control

by David Proctor

June 14, 2018

Urban Farm Lifestyle Magazine    Published Weekly

Now that most gardens are going strong, so are the pests. When you want to find a remedy for getting rid of the pests that wants to eat your garden as much as you do. You need an arsenal of weapons.

I came across a good article that helps explain some of the best methods for bee-friendly pest control:

7 Top Methods For Bee-Friendly Pest Control
Written by: Julie C.          Survival Gardening

“Since 1998, scientists, conservationists, and farmers have noticed an alarming trend. European honeybee populations are declining at rapid rates. Researchers believe”… more



One method of controlling pests is through Integrated Pest Management or IPM.

IPM is a science-based, decision-making process that integrates pest biology, environmental information, consensus building, and technology to prevent unacceptable levels of pest damage. IPM considers site management goals and strives to minimize risk to people, property, and the environment, including pollinators. If you would like to read more, go to this link to download a pdf   Reducing Risks to Pollinators from Pest Control  by the U.S. Fish & Wildlife Service.

Another good article that I will post here is by the  Great Pollinator Project


Natural Garden Pest Control

Natural Garden Pest Control

“Land mangers, urban farmers, and home gardeners are often faced with pest control decisions, including whether to use chemicals and if so, which”….read more, please click the link above. 


To summarize, plan ahead for what type of plants will be grown close together. And mix it up, so the pests are not coming to a buffet.

Use methods that do not affect the pollinators while they are at work.

If you think you need to use chemicals, then read the label very closely. Apply chemicals in the evening and not to blooms, but at base of the plants and stems.

Some plants are natural insecticides, try to mingle these into your garden.

Encourage the beneficial insects to help do your work like the Ladybug and Praying Mantis. Remove pests by hand or with a misting bottle and water.

You will probably not use just one method to control pests, but just remember if it “Kills Bugs Dead” it will probable kill all bugs, including the ones that make your garden healthy.

Check It Out!


Companion Planting

Quick Tip

  • Thin out the weak plants. That will help provide more root area for the strong and not attract pests to the weak plants. Often, those pests will then move over to infest  the strong ones.                                                            
  • Water at night or early morning so the plants can dry.  Plants can bake with water on them during the day and weaken them.                                                                                               
  • Set traps and/or lures for unwanted pests.  This can help control without using as much spray.
  •  Help out the good insects like Lady Bugs, Praying Mantis, and Lacewings which can be encouraged by planting herbs like basil, dill and cilantro.  They like to lay eggs in these plants and the larva will have something to eat.                                                                                                                                                       
  • Diversify the plants in your garden to throw the pests off.  Also, mix in garlic and onions to help repel unwanted pests.                                                                                                       
  • Rotate plantings each year so one pest does not get a foothold by eating it’s favorite food.


C., Julie. “7 Top Methods For Bee-Friendly Pest Control.” Off The Grid News. N.p., n.d. Web. 12 July 2016. <>.

“Pest Management.” Great Pollinator Project. N.p., n.d. Web. 12 July 2016. <>.


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