Broken Promises

Urban Farm Lifestyle

  Healthy Regenerative Lifestyle

Broken Promises

We are just about through January and how many of us promised ourselves that we would make changes for the better on New Year’s Eve? Here are some thoughts on how to turn those promises into reality.





David Proctor

           From Seed To Fork, Egg To Plate.

    We may not live on a farm, but we can grow where we live.





Broken Promises


                                    by David Proctor

January 26, 2017

Urban Farm Lifestyle Magazine    Published Weekly


Firstly, do not make a bad habit a reward. How many times have we thought about what we can do to reward ourselves just because we made it to Friday? There are restaurants and bars that specialize in that concept.

Do not make having a cigarette a reward for the food you just ate.  Cigarettes are hard to quit. Try healthier replacements.

Do not look at food as fun. Food is for nourishment, when the fun concept is mixed in, then we want the fun to not stop.  Eat from smaller plates and have fun from things that burn calories.

Dietary Intakes Compared to Recommendations

Do pay attention to what type of food you eat.  Try to eat as little processed food as possible.  Processed food is full of either salt, sugar or fat, or a combination of the three.  I know it is hard to cut down on foods with these ingredients, but the easiest way is to avoid processed, easy and quick foods.

Do take time each day to stretch and exercise.  Start out with small amounts of stretching and movement that gets the heart rate up.  You will feel better and sleep better.

New Year’s resolutions can be good to get us thinking about the direction that we would like to go but determination and persistence is what gets us to our goals.

It’s easy to think that these things can’t be done, that they are too hard, but easy is very seldom right or the best direction.  Think of the end result of better sleep, getting off of medications, or buying a new wardrobe because your old one is too big.

Don’t give up! These things are way too important. Don’t do it just for yourself, either. Do it for your family, loved ones, and friends. They will appreciate that you care about yourself enough that you also care for them by being around longer.

Don’t let the thought of “I can’t quit” take over. Take all resolutions of positive change in small steps that become lifestyle changes. Most change comes about from attitude and perspective. Your goal is a good one, make it happen a little bit each day.

2017 is the year of the promise you keep to have a healthy regenerative lifestyle.


Anthony Robbins: Time to Take Control  13:44



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Quick Tip

You do not have to go cold turkey and stop consuming all salt, sugar, and fat. Try substitution. Next time you are really hungry for a snack, substitute the potatoes chips with a piece of fruit or a vegetable that has not been fried.

Take this in baby steps. Let your body adjust to food that is healthy and find out the great taste of fresh food. Food that hasn’t been manufactured to stay on the shelf for extended periods. Think about it, if the food you eat does not spoil, then it is not natural or healthy.

When you cut back on salt, you will improve your blood pressure, you will lose weight from having less water retention.

When you lose weight and your blood pressure is lower, you feel better, sleep better, and will be on your way to a healthier life.

When you cut back on sugar, you will have the same thing happen: lose weight, lower blood pressure, sleep better and feel healthier.

When fat is cut back, the fat that you have will start to melt away. You lose weight, lower blood pressure, sleep better and feel healthier.

This may all sound simple and it may also sound too hard to do, especially after the holidays and all the temptations of food with an excess of these ingredients.

This I will promise you, if you take small steps and stay on track with eating healthy, you will feel better. Maybe not at first, because your body has to get rid of some of the toxins that have been ingested, but you will start to feel better.

The other thing I can promise is that if you continue to eat unhealthy, it will catch up to you and you will have to deal with the illnesses that plague society now.

Live life healthy, the price is too high not to.


“Chapter 2 Shifts Needed To Align With Healthy Eating Patterns.” Current Eating Patterns in the United States. N.p., n.d. Web. 09 Jan. 2016.

“Chapter 2 Shifts Needed To Align With Healthy Eating Patterns.” A Closer Look at Current Intakes and Recommended Shifts. N.p., n.d. Web. 09 Jan. 2016.

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