Healthy Regenerative Lifestyle
Fredericksburg Fair
Fairs have always been a fun and interesting place to go. You get to see what took first place from canned pickles to Angus bulls. I was able to go to the Fredericksburg Fair this last week and would like to share with you some of the sites.
David Proctor
From Seed To Fork, Egg To Plate.
We may not live on a farm, but we can grow where we live.
Fredericksburg Fair

August 11, 2016
Urban Farm Lifestyle Magazine Published Weekly
The first barn I went to housed the chickens and rabbits. They even had baby chicks for sale. I was tempted on buying some, but this is not the right time. I need to have some preparation done before bringing baby chicks home, such as a place to stay, feed, etc., but it was still tempting.
The next location was an outdoor exhibit of a portable band saw. I have always admired the practice of cutting your own boards from the trees you have chopped down because it is such an extensive process. This exhibit was interesting to watch.
From there I went to the cattle barn and some of the people were prepping the cows for show. They also had other animals such as sheep, goats and pigs. It was a very warm day and it seemed the animals were not doing anything besides trying to stay cool.
The last location I went to was the craft and home barn. There is where all the canned goods, vegetables and crafts were located and displayed with their ribbons. All of the food looked delicious- especially the cookies.
The fair is always a good experience because it is an opportunity to see the hard work people in our area have put into the livestock, produce, crafts, recipes, and more, all while having fun. There is a wide variety of plants and animals that can be viewed up close, which you may not normally get to see. If you’re not careful you may end up with a new pet chicken or rabbit to take home like I almost did. If you haven’t been to your local fair, then take the time to go. Age has no restriction on the fun you can have at the fair.
Check It Out!

Quick Tips
For Canning and Preserving
Use only fresh ripe fruit.
Stir jam mixture constantly while it boils.
A pat of butter will reduce foaming.
Check jars for any nicks or cracks before using.
Check the lids for a seal by pressing down on them. If they flex, the lid did not seal, and you must refrigerate the jam.
Canning guidelines have changed a great deal over the years.
At one time, processing in a hot water bath was not used for jam; the heat from the hot jam caused the lids to seal.
However, it is now recommended to process the half-pints for 10 minutes in a hot water bath canner.
To read more click on link: “Preserving The Summer” by Laurie Calloway
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