Overwintering Plants Indoors

Urban Farm Lifestyle

  Healthy-Sustainable-Regenerative Lifestyle 

Winter Plant Survival

With just a few steps, you can keep your plants thriving during the winter. This issue provides extensive information on watering, pH, and other tips for overwintering plants inside during the winter months.

David Proctor


From Seed To Fork, Egg To Plate.

    We may not live on a farm, but we can grow where we live.





Keeping Plants Alive In Winter Indoors

by David Proctor

 January 23, 2020

Urban Farm Lifestyle Magazine    Published Weekly

1) The first thing a plant needs is a sufficient amount of light. The sun provides, but your plants may need a little extra “oomph”. Try grow lights. This article is very extensive on the features of LED and Florescent lighting.


Grow Lights

Indoor Lights

Overwintering Plants Light
Forum by E. Vinje

The type of light or system you will need really depends on how much light your plants will be receiving in the window…  Read more >>> click here

Winter Care for Houseplants
by Mary Jane Frogge, Extension Associate

Winter weather adversely affects growing conditions… Read more >>> click here

3) Last but not least, one of the most important things you can do for your plants’ survival in the winter is to not overwater. Raffaele explains in a short article; 

Top Myths on Watering Houseplants 
by Raffaele

Here are a few watering myths that I’ve come across that I would like to debunk…Read more >>> click here


Indoor Jalapeno

Check It Out!

How To Care For Houseplants | Winter Season 6:51
Crazy Plant Guy

Quick Tip


1. Adjust Your Watering Routine
2. Improve Humidity
3. Pay Attention to Temperature
4. Follow the Sun
5. Put Your Houseplant on a Diet

Tips on Caring for Houseplants in the Winter

By Marie Iannotti
Gardening Expert



Overwintering Geranium


Iannotti, Marie. “Here’s How to Give Your Houseplants the Special Winter Care They Need.” The Spruce, The Spruce, 2 Oct. 2019, www.thespruce.com/tips-on-caring-for-houseplants-in-the-winter-1403001.

Raffaele. “Top Myths on Watering Houseplants.” Houseplant Care Tips, Rcdilallo@Gmail.com, 11 Nov. 2019, www.ohiotropics.com/2018/01/16/top-myths-on-watering-houseplants/.

Frogge, Mary Jane. “Winter Care for Houseplants.” Winter Care for Houseplants | Nebraska Extension in Lancaster County, 2002, lancaster.unl.edu/hort/articles/2002/winterhouseplants.shtml.

Russo, Chelsea, and E. Vinje. “Artificial Light for Wintering Plants.” Planet Natural, 17 Oct. 2016, www.planetnatural.com/forums/topic/overwintering-plants-light/.

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