Silver Queen Corn
Silver Queen sweet corn used to be the standard for sweet corn and was available everywhere. Now you don’t see it around as much, so it’s a good time to think about saving what you can’t eat when you have some.
David Proctor

Freezing Silver Queen Corn
by Lorie Calloway
August 29, 2024
Urban Farm Lifestyle Magazine Published Weekly
My summer garden produced so well this year. I had lots of tomatoes, squash, eggplant, chard, kale, and onions.
However, I do not have the space to grow sweet corn, so I visited the local Farmer’s Market to grab a few ears for dinner.
What I did not expect, was finding a vendor who had Silver Queen corn for sale.
Silver Queen corn was the corn of choice when I was young, and even the grocery stores carried it in abundance.
Silver Queen Corn
I had not seen it offered for sale in many years, so, I bought a dozen and a half ears; some for dinner, the rest to freeze.
Freezing corn allows you to have the taste of fresh corn during the cold, winter months, and is very easy to do.
First, shuck the corn, and rinse it, using a soft bristled brush to whisk away the corn silk.
Soft Bristled Brush
Bring a large pot of water to a boil, and add the corn.
This is a process called blanching, which will slow the development of enzymes which hasten the ripening process of vegetables.
Allow the water to come to a second boil after the corn is added, and boil for four minutes.
Prepare a container of ice water while the corn is in the boiling water.
After four minutes, submerge the corn into the cold water.
Cold Water
Allow the corn to drain.
At this point, you can freeze the ears in a freezer bag, or, cut off the kernels. (My preferred method.)
Use a sharp knife to cut the kernels from the cob.
There are many ways to do this…I just place the cob, wide end down, on a plate, and use a sharp knife to cut off the kernels.
Cut Off The Kernels
The eighteen ears of corn I bought, yielded twelve cups of kernels.
Twelve Cups Of Kernels
I measured two cups of cut corn for each quart freezer bag.
Each bag will provide enough for a meal for four people, or for a corn pudding recipe.
Two Cups Per Bag
During the cold winter months, you will enjoy this taste of summer!
Check It Out!
Eastern Shore Silver Queen Corn Chowder
8 ears of fresh Silver Queen corn
1/4 cup onion, chopped
2 Tbsp. butter
4 cups milk
1 Tbsp.cream
1 Tbsp. flour
1/4 salt
1/4 black pepper
In soup pot, saute onion in butter. Remove the kernels from corn. Add to onions.
Add milk, bring close to boil. Mix cream with flour and stir into pot. Add cream and bring close to boil. Season with salt and black pepper
Serves 6
Delicious! This recipe was handed down in our family from my great grandmother and we have all made it and loved it!
Servings: 6
Time: 10 Minutes Preparation Time
30 Minutes Cooking Time
By Jackie from Salisbury, Maryland
Quick Tip
- Use only fresh corn to freeze or process.
- Blanch corn first for four minutes.
- Submerge corn into ice water to stop the cooking process after blanching.
- Squeeze as much air as possible from the freezer bags before sealing and placing in the freezer.
Jackie. “Eastern Shore Silver Queen Corn Chowder.” ThriftyFun,
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