Healthy Regenerative Lifestyle
Fluoride in Drinking Water
Some believe that adding fluoride to the water to prevent tooth decay is great, while others are not so happy about the idea.
David Proctor
We may not live on a farm, but we can grow where we live.
Fluoride in Drinking Water
by David Proctor
UFL Facebook Messenger Channel
September 13, 2018
Urban Farm Lifestyle Magazine Published Weekly
The Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC) named water fluoridation as one of the ten great public health achievements of the 20th century.
This all started back in the mid 40’s when Grand Rapids, Michigan was the first city in the U.S. to fluoridate its water. They found that by the early 1950’s, the results were clear: Compared to school children from nearby areas that did not fluoridate their water, children in Grand Rapids had fewer cavities.

Before this event no municipalities fluoridated their water, afterwards almost all did.
Almost all water contains some naturally-occurring fluoride, but usually at levels too low to prevent tooth decay.
Water fluoridation is the process of adding a small amount of fluoride to public water supplies to a level known to make teeth stronger and prevent cavities.
What has brought about some concern to this practice is that we now have toothpaste with fluoride. If some fluoride is good, is more better?
Apparently too much fluoride can have some adverse health consequences. The bones tend to absorb fluoride leading to osteosarcomas (bone tumors). The National Cancer Institute says that “researchers found no indication of increase cancer risk associated with fluoridated drinking water”
The most notable effect of too much fluoride is a condition called fluorosis. Small white specks on the teeth. This is not supposed to cause pain. So, if you swallow too much toothpaste will this cause fluorosis? The American Dental Association recommends fluoride toothpaste and states that dental fluorosis does not harm the teeth or your health.
What about mothers that don’t breast feed and mix formula with tap water? The ADA still recommends the fluoridated water.

What about other countries that don’t fluoridate their water, yet have seen decreases in cavities and tooth decay. The most common reply is that they get fluoride through other sources such as milk or salt.
Maybe adding fluoride to the water is not such a bad idea! I personally have to wonder if this is the best method to medicate the public population. I am not passing judgement for or against. But you have to wonder whose best interest is at stake here?
I am not writing a conspiracy theory, just that it would be nice to have a choice rather than a “one dose fits all”.
With that being said, there are ways to remove or avoid fluoride from the water if you are so inclined.
Water Filters: You have to use reverse osmosis, deionizers, or activated alumina filters. Activated carbon filters will not work.
Drink spring water or distilled water.
These are the main ways to circumvent drinking fluoride water from your public water supply.

So, one way or the other drink up.
They say you should drink eight 8-ounce glasses of water a day, with or without fluoride?
Why The Government Puts fluoride In our Water 3:13
Published on Feb 19, 2015
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Fluoride Cleansing Herbs
National Research Council, Subcommittee on Health Effects of Ingested Fluoride. Carcinogenicity of fluoride. In: Health Effects of Ingested Fluoride. Washington, DC: National Academy Press, 1993.
Top Ten Reasons to Oppose Water Fluoridatioon
W. (2018, May 07). Top Ten Reasons to Oppose Water Fluoridation. Retrieved from
Campaign For Dental Health life is better With Teeth/ Fluoride Myths & Facts
Fluoride Myths & Facts | Campaign for Dental Health. (n.d.). Retrieved from
National Cancer Institute
Fluoridated Water
Fluoridated Water. (n.d.). Retrieved from
Water Fluoridation
(n.d.). Retrieved from
Four Myths about Water Fluoridationa and Why Ther’re Wrong
By Water Canada 08:39AM July 25, 2017
Four Myths about Water Fluoridation and Why They’re Wrong. (n.d.). Retrieved from
Fluoride Action Network | August 2012
(n.d.). Retrieved from
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